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Join us for the 28th Annual Summer Undergraduate Research Fest on Wednesday, August 6, 2025
Hosted by

A message from the Dean
Welcome to the UMBC Summer Undergraduate Research Fest, which is hosted annually by the College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences. This event defines the SUMMER STEM experience, where the focus is on high quality STEM classes, opportunities for research and applied learning experiences, and building a strong scholarly STEM community. By practicing and applying the skills of performing research this summer, our students follow in the footsteps of great scientists and researchers – making each a part of a grand scholarly community.
While some projects are the result of independent arrangements, many have been made possible by grants or other funds dedicated to encouraging undergraduate research. We are proud of all that our students accomplished this summer. They are more knowledgeable, experienced, and skilled – better scientists. Their discoveries, their effort, their willingness to explore have added to the vault of scientific knowledge, which in the end – benefits society through an empowerment – an empowerment of understanding, prediction, and invention. Their success is also due to the tremendous effort, guidance and support provided by their mentors and across campus by our faculty and staff who support and engage our students every day. Please accept my heartfelt thank you to all of you who work with these outstanding students and help them reach their goals.
I welcome you to our SURF event and encourage you to view the outstanding works of our presenters and interact with these remarkable students.
Congratulations and best wishes for a successful event,
William R. LaCourse, Ph.D.
Dean and Professor of Chemistry
College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences
University of Maryland Baltimore County