

Poster Presentations:
3rd Floor
The University Center

Lighting Round Talks:
Engineering 027


Email surf@umbc.edu

The College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences (CNMS) is proud to host the annual Summer Undergraduate Research Fest to recognize undergraduate research at UMBC. Since 1997, summer student researchers including participants in the MARC U-RISE, HHMI, NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) and STEM BUILD at UMBC programs present their summer research in oral presentations or a poster sessions during this exciting event.

This year, we are pleased that SURF will back in person in the University Center Ballroom.  The success of the SURF depends on the actions of students, staff, faculty, and guest visitors who take time to participate in this event and connect with the presenters while asking questions and commenting about their presented research.

Please support our student researchers.

Thank you!