2023 Participating Programs

Research programs, both grant-funded and university-supported, provide career-focused training that supports undergraduate researchers during summer semesters and/or academic years.
The SURF team would like to recognize the support given by these research programs to novice researchers for early professional research and presentation opportunities. These programs are listed as follows.

COEIT Summer Research Experience Program | UMBC College of Engineering and Information Technology | https://coeit.umbc.edu/nsf-reu/

HHMI Scholars Program | Howard Hughes Medical Institute | https://meyerhoff.umbc.edu/

Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation Research Programs | UMBC & University System of Maryland | https://lsamp.umbc.edu/

U-RISE Program | National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) at the NIH | https://urise.umbc.edu/

McNair Scholars | U.S. Department of Education TRIO Program | https://mcnair.umbc.edu/

Meyerhoff Scholarship Program | Supported by a network of institutional partners and friends | https://meyerhoff.umbc.edu/

National Institute on Drug Abuse | https://irp.nida.nih.gov/

NSF Research Experience & Mentoring| https://betenbaugh.jhu.edu/REM.html/

STEM BUILD 2.0 at UMBC | NIH Common Fund and NIGMS | https://stembuild.umbc.edu/

Translational Life Science Technology | https://shadygrove.umbc.edu/program/translational-life-science-technology/